UDice - the Universal Dice System by sad2project

The Universal Dice System

Never again will you need to install multiple dice rollers just to handle the different sets of crazy dice that all your favorite games use! The UDice System is a project meant to be used to represent any die or dice mechanic on the market!

The UDice System looks at the idea of dice in a completely new way. It'll require a little bit of a learning curve, but considering it was thought up as I was going to sleep, I think you'll be able to catch on fairly quickly.
As an open-source Java system, the UDice System can be used by people to make their own dice-rolling applications for any platform. When someone creates a new set of dice, they can share it with the world to be plugged into whichever UDice roller they use.

It is currently in production, nowhere near ready to use. A rough estimate of when the basic parts of the system will be ready is around Christmas 2014. In the coming months, I will hopefully be putting up tutorials on how to use the system.